Sunday, December 11, 2011

Christmas Letter 2011

Seasons Greetings! 

Whoa, where are the breaks on this ride? Was it really only a year ago that we moved back to California with only 1 child? I’ve spent so much of this year looking forward to August 10th, that I’ve quite overlooked the daily blessings we experienced throughout 2011. 

Let’s start out with the obvious: what happened August 10, 2011? Well, nothing, in particular. That’s because our little Elizabeth Ruth decided to make her appearance 11 days early on July 30, 2011. Last Christmas we received the good news that we were expecting baby #2 without the use of any fertility medication! We were overjoyed and nervous at the prospect of growing our little family. The two girls would be 22 months apart and this time around, I’d have a toddler underfoot as I waddled around. Let’s just say Lizzie’s early and rapid appearance was a welcomed blessing. 
Although, the birth of our daughter was definitely the high point in our year, we had a few more memorable moments, as well. One such event revolved around our wonderful church. For Easter Bayside decided to close up shop and move to the local basketball arena for Easter services. On Sunday morning 20,000 people showed up and rejoiced in the resurrection of our Lord. More thrilling than the overwhelming attendance, the worshippers donated over $350,000 for Courage to be You, an organization that helps transition exploited girls out of the sex trade. Top that off with an honorary doctorate from Azusa Pacific University for war veteran, former POW, and amazing Christian Louis Zamporini (from the novel Unbroken), and you’ve got an Easter we’ll never forget. 

 Another thing we’ll not soon forget, our trip to Disneyland with an 18 month old and 6 month pregnant wife. Boy, were we optimistic parents! After 2 days in the park we did decide to go to Disneyland again, but without kids. However, since Charlie turned 2 in October, we’ve been rethinking our stance. It’s amazing how much she changes and develops day to day. Only a few weeks ago on Thanksgiving Charlie learned to jump with both feet and now every trip into the store, into church, into the house, etc. is a chance to practice her newfound skill. 

Even though it is easy to define the year with the big events, I believe it is really each day that demonstrates our true blessings. Each day Andrew has the blessing to get up and go to a job he enjoys at KLove Radio. Each day I have the blessing to stay home and raise our 2 wonderful daughters. Each day my daughters have the blessing to grow up in a safe community near grandparents who love them. Each day we get to praise our God for another day together as a family. So as we look back at Christmastime, let us not forget each day that comprised the last year. Let us not take for granted the many blessings we have been given and let us remember to bless others as our Father has blessed us. 

Luke 2: 8-12 And there were shepherds living out in the fields nearby, keeping watch over their flocks at night. 9 An angel of the Lord appeared to them, and the glory of the Lord shone around them, and they were terrified. 10 But the angel said to them, “Do not be afraid. I bring you good news that will cause great joy for all the people. 11 Today in the town of David a Savior has been born to you; he is the Messiah, the Lord. 12 This will be a sign to you: You will find a baby wrapped in cloths and lying in a manger.” 

Merry Christmas!

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Two Worlds

Today after the gym, Charlotte and I went to the park. She was amazed by the vast grassy world she was allowed to explore. She'd start to move faster and faster away from me, and then stop, turn around, and look at me as if to ask, "Are you coming, Mom?" I enjoyed chasing her around and watching her experience new sensations like sand and mud.

To the right of the park was an elementary school. As we played I couldn't help but feel a little sad that I wasn't there teaching. However, as I watched the "big kids" playing at recess, I realized how quickly this period in Charlotte's life will pass. A part of me may miss teaching, but I am so thankful for the opportunity to stay home with my daughter. Soon she'll be one of those big kids, and when she runs away from me, she won't look back.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Charlotte's First Year

Here's a video I created of Charlotte's first year on Earth (outside of my womb).

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Around the house

With our move to California, I have the extreme blessing of getting to stay home with Charlotte while Andrew goes off to work. Rather than a day full of teaching kinder-8th graders, I get to teach my daughter new concepts each day. As a teacher I loved those "light bulb" moments when my students finally understood. Now as a stay-at-home mom I get to experience those moments with Charlie on a daily basis. A few weeks ago I showed her how to turn on the music on her stacking toy; now she presses the button with her thumb like a pro. Today I helped her turn off the light to our closet and then she-on her own- turned off the light to the bedroom. She watches like a hawk and takes in everything we do, so that she may then try it on her own. This development is so fun to watch, but it also keeps me on my toes. Before I can blink, she's at the first landing of the stairs, staring over the edge, ready to tumble. Gravity: a lesson we must all learn someday...I just hope she gets it the first time around and doesn't need a refresher course.

Here's a video of one of Charlotte's new skills.

Saturday, July 17, 2010

Quick update

I know I've been sorta absent lately, so here's a quick update on how things are going. Andrew had a major blow out on I-5 just outside of Tracy on our way into Sacramento. That delayed our arrival by 2 hours, but I was just thankful we made it safe and sound. We arrived on July 1st, so we've really only been here for 2 weeks; it seems like so much longer. The first week was spent trying to get things moved around so we could find someplace for all our stuff. I'm still trying to find room. We also got all the logistics out of the way (registration, licenses, etc). For me the second week here was filled with more and more sorting, purging, and organizing of stuff that hasn't been touched in years. Andrew had his first week as a manager, which he realized has some perks. He's been learning so much, so fast, that it's like drinking from a fire hose. He's brillant, though, so I know he'll catch on quickly. So those are a few of the details on what's up with us. We miss all our friends in Arizona and all the fun we had getting to know you over the last 5 years. We hope to make a visit back in the near future.

Monday, June 14, 2010

Weight Bench

Here's video of the weight bench we're trying to get rid of before moving back to CA. I couldn't find my point and shoot, so I went all Spielberg and tried to capture the essence of the bench for your viewing pleasure.

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Month One

Mommies are like professional athletes without the salary.

I thought I had plenty of training before Charlotte arrived in my life. I'd baby-sat, ran a children's ministry, taught school, and read a myriad of parenting/baby books; however there is nothing that can prepare you for the real thing. Every day is different from the other and like a professional athlete, I've found myself latching on to anything that appears to work. "Charlotte went 6 hours between feedings. It must have been because she was wearing her knit hat." So like a baseball player in the World Series who refuses to wash his underwear because he swears it keeps the team winning, I faithfully put on Charlie's knit hat to get the same result. Unfortunately, Charlotte is not aware of the superstition and doesn't play along. I know it sounds ridiculous, but when your world is turned upside down, you'll cling to anything that seems routine. After all, our brains are designed to recognize patterns, right?

Through the ups and downs of being a first time parent, God continues to walk beside me, reminding me over and over again: "Let go. Let go. Let go." It's a theme that has popped up numerous times in my life, but I've never so acutely felt God teaching me this lesson than over the past month with Charlotte. This baby is a little person, separate from me. I have as much control over her as I do over any other person. So for now I rely on God for the strength, patience, and love I need to meet the needs of my daughter and let the rest fall to the wayside.

The Highs:

Mommy Milestones:
1. Taking Charlotte shopping on my own
2. Leaving Charlotte with daddy and going out with the girls
3. Taking my struggles to God and ignoring the "mommy guilt" from Satan

Daddy Milestones:
1. Pulling his first over night shift (fabulous job!)
2. Mastering the snot sucker
3. Balancing work and fatherhood

Charlie Milestones:
1. Putting herself on a somewhat regular 3 hour routine
2. Going 6 hours between feedings (1 time)
3. Finding her fingers to soothe herself

The Lows:

1. Baby Blues
2. Charlie's first cold
3. Sleepless nights
4. Gassiness and giving up dairy

Check out our flickr page ( to see updated pictures of Charlie. For now, here's my favorite from our photo shoot at JC Penny's when Charlie was 9 days old.